”The Green Corridor Portal is a holistic portal for all corridor stakeholders, from the EC to a single transport provider. Its main purpose is to promote a joint cumulative learning in the European transport system and –of course- assist in greening transport operations”, says Kristoffer Persson, Project Leader, Lindholmen Science Park.
By the tools, the user can search for measures with a greening potential based on a pre- set number of topics and objectives. Suggested combinations of related measures are presented – a palette of about 130 measures within the fields of infrastructure, transport techniques, logistics solutions and policies & regulations are already collected in the database.
Validating the environmental impact of a specific measure is possible by the use of environmental data allowing a benchmark with existing solutions.
”The tools presented in the Portal also allow the user to assess alternative transport routing by visualising alternative intermodal transport setups. Transport costs and environmental data are added to allow the user to assess potential new transport connections”, Kristoffer Persson explains.
In excess, the Green Corridor Portal presents a library collecting interesting material on green corridor development boosting the collective dissemination on the progress in connecting Europe through TEN-T Core Network Corridors. Assessing the current stage in implementing these corridors is made possible by the introduction of a set of Corridor KPIs.
Promoting the Green Corridor Portal and it’s tools is of utmost importance. To promote a web site such as this requires a lot of convincing and a lot of lobbying. As for similar projects, a catch 22 arises were it is difficult to market a semi-finished product during the project implementation and find future financing.
” We are convinced that we are at the finish line in the development, all tools are in place and the database is filling up with measures. Now it is necessary to find support for the future maintenance and updating of the database and the tools”, says Kristoffer Persson.
The Green Corridor Portal was presented at the Swiftly Green Final Conference in November and receives a strong support from the participants.
”We see a strong support from all types of stakeholders, from the European Commission to representatives from the private industry. It seems like the portal has been missing as it disseminates a lot of good results in a structured and defined way.”
”We have managed to concretise and disseminate results through the development of the portal. This process has been received positively by those individuals whom I have spoken with and the same has been noted by other partners of the project consortium”, says Kristoffer Persson.
More info: www.greencorridorportal.eu