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Greening of port operations

16 June 2015
The new Best Practice Guide – Greening of Port Operations by the SWIFTLY Green project, highlights concrete state-of-the-art examples of European ports and is sharing experiences on environmental matters.

Much more than just handling ships, ports are essential nodes in the transport chain. By linking maritime transport with all other transport modes, European ports are key to the operation of efficient logistic chains. Furthermore, ports are often home to vast industrial complexes, where freight, logistics and production activities all come together. All these elements are very important when one addresses the greening of ports and port operations.

The guide presents state-of-the-art examples for the port industry and provides new and fresh incentives to allow ports to learn from each other. As they are key to ensuring
attainment of the EU Commission‘s goals for an environmentally friendly European transport system, these examples can also be used as a reference for future investment funding by the European Union.

Download the report here