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EDITORIAL: What is greening of transport?

17 December 2014
The aim of Swiftly Green is to support the implementation of the TEN-T network by providing good examples and recommendations for greening of transport. But first, we need to know the meaning of greening, what does it stand for?

For us involved in SWIFTLY Green, it is to understand the future needs of freight transport, to support the reduction of environmental impact derived from transport and to contribute to a modal shift towards more sustainable modes of transport.

We started Swiftly Green one year ago and we have one year left, thus exactly half time into the project. During the first year we have mapped the current status of the Corridor and also finalized the analysis of the effectiveness and the transferability of transport measures across countries along the ScanMed Corridor. You can read more about these activities at

However, the main output from Swiftly Green is the development of a toolbox for green development in the framework of TEN-T planning. The greening issues are very important for the European Commission and we will do our utmost to make sure that the greening aspects will be taken care of in the upcoming workplan for the ScanMed Corridor. The finalization of the workplan is going on in parallel and will be presented by the end of this year.  

The first draft of the toolbox has been agreed upon in our partnership but a lot of work remains. During our second year, we will focus on filling the toolbox with relevant, precise and applicable content.

ingemar.jpgIngemar Moen
Project Manager
Lindholmen Science Park