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Editorial: Finalization of Results

24 June 2015
The overall aim of SWIFTLY Green is to develop a toolbox for greening of transport. The 6th of May, a European Corridor Conference was arranged in Malmö, Sweden, where we had the opportunity to present the first version of the toolbox to a wider audience. Among the participants were stakeholders from all over Europe and also the Scan-Med Corridor coordinator Mr. Pat Cox.

During the first half year of 2015, we have worked hard to reach the goal of being able to present the first version of the SWIFTLY Green toolbox during the event in Malmö 6 May and we succeeded.

The final outcome of the project will not only be a toolbox framework, but a web-based portal where all results from the project will be structured and stored. We are right now in the finalization phase of the Best-practice cases and the tools; both a tool that will structure and store all project results and also a tool for optimizing existing and future traffic flows along the corridor.

The web portal is not yet ready to use, but our aim is that by the end of the project, we will have a functioning framework with interesting project results, and a good basis for the continuing work when it comes to greening of transport in TEN-T Corridors in the future.

Sofie Vennersten,
Project Manager SWIFTLY Green and
Programme Manager,
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