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Analysis and Effects of Transport Measures

12 December 2014
The first major achievement of the Swiflty Green team is an analysis of the effectiveness and transferability of already implemented transport measures. First We identified innovative research projects and developments across all countries along the corridor which can be developed into recommendations fostering the greening of transport. From initially over 150 transport research projects, a multitude of relevant measures was identified.

Transport activities contribute directly, indirectly and cumulative to environmental problems. Therefore, it was important to identify greening impacts and to determine where do environmental problems arise and where do their effects become apparent.

Four major greening impacts were identified, accordingly:skarmavbild_2014-12-12_kl._15.58.13.png

The analysis of effective transport measures has been carried out under the guidance of the Berlin Institute of Technology investigating four major thematic areas:

1. Infrastructure (links and nodes)
2. Logistics Solutions
3. Transport Techniques
4. Policies and Regulations



All identified research results, developments, and innovations have thereupon been assessed using a multicriterial evaluation methodology which made the greening effect of the various measures comparable. In doing so, three major criteria have been assessed: Greening Effect (Potential to promote green and sustainable freight transport), Marketability (to estimate whether a measure can be implemented and ever come in question for further considerations), and Corridor Scope (to assess whether a measure is bound to a certain corridor or can be readily transferred to TEN-T corridors).

The analysis allows the direct comparison of different transport measures under qualitative and quantitative aspects towards their impacts on the greening of transport. The results were reprocessed in short fact sheets for each measure, tables and graphics. They form the basis for their further usage in the SWIFTLY Green toolbox.