Swiftly Green work as a coherent project with strong interdependence between the activities. Some of the activities build on the proceeding steps, while others, such as selected cases and development of certain tools start immediately.
Activity 1 - Project Management and Communication
Activity leader: Closer/Lindholmen Science Park
Activity 1 is a crucial activity with the aim to structure and steer the project. It also involves the coordination of information and communication activities.
Activity 2 – Mapping of current status of the Corridor and results of project for greening the transport corridor
Activity leader: Hamburg Hafen Marketing e.V
The main purpose of Activity 2 is to collect and structure the necessary information to identify the corridor’s main characteristics and the results of relevant completed and ongoing projects in this field of activity.
Activity 2 will contribute to the overall objective of developing a set of measures for greening the transport corridor based on solutions implemented both at Member States and European Level.
Activity 3 – Analysis of the effectiveness and transferability of transport measures across countries along the corridor
Activity leader: Technische Universität Berlin
Activity 3 will contribute to the overall objective of developing a set of measures for greening the transport corridor based on solutions implemented both at Member States and European Level. It will also contribute to the delivery of a methodology to assess the performance of the implemented measures and to the establishment of green corridor development plans. This will be done through analysis of the effectiveness and transferability of already implemented measures with regard to the greening of the corridor. The analysis is based on existing experience and available information and findings of ongoing and completed projects (thus based on the results of Activity 2 and the outcome from the thematic workshops that will be carried out during the project).
Activity 4 – Best-practice analysis and selection of innovative scenarios for greening of transport corridor
Activity leader: Brenner Basis Tunnel BBT
The effectiveness of the selected measures in Activity 4 will be tested against best-practice cases which have been identified by the different partners along the corridor. This exercise will enhance the understanding on how different measures implemented in a particular segment of the corridor could be transferred to others. It will contribute to the goal of establishing green corridor development plans and, based on the experiences from the cases, provide important input to the toolbox.
The recommendations and guidelines elaborated in the various best-practice cases provide important input for Activity 6.
Activity 5 – Development and test of tools for greening of transport in TEN-T Corridors
Activity leader: CLOSER/Lindholmen Science Park in cooperation with Interporto Bologna and NTM
By the implementation of the 5th Activity in Swiftly Green, a test of tools and indicators with the aim of greening transport in TEN-T Corridors has been made. It will contribute to the goal of delivering a methodology to assess the performance of implemented measures.
Three different tools will be developed and tested throughout the Activity including the further development and testing of Key Performance Indicators (by NTM Calc) , the development of a Replica Corridor Tool for benchmarking of business cases and the development of a Green Corridors Visibility Planner. The set of interactive web-based tools and indicators will help to support a green transport planning and execution along the SCAN-MED corridor, by identifying, assessing and combining the most appropriate transport solutions and measures. The tools will form an integral part of the SWIFTLY Green Toolbox developed within Activity 6.
Activity 6 - Development of Toolbox and Guidelines for greening of transport in TEN-T Corridors
Activity leader: Closer/Lindholmen Science Park
Activity 6 will contribute to the goal of developing a tool box consisting of a set of guidelines and recommendations for actions to be implemented by the relevant authorities at the appropriate governance level in order to enhance TEN-T corridor management. The results from the previous activities represent the content of the toolbox.
Already during spring 2014, the first more concrete picture of the toolbox will be created – design/structure and content.
In autumn 2014 a first preliminary version of the toolbox will be presented in November 2014. The content at that time will be based on the result so far from activity 2, 3, 4 and 5 and the thematic workshops.
During 2015, the toolbox will step by step be filled in a process where the guidelines successively are fine-tuned. The different measures are tested and evaluated against a number of criteria for evaluation of proposed measures for the respective theme. The combined effects are identified, checked against the chosen key performance indicators and finally benchmarked with help of the tools developed in activity 5. Thus, for each of the 4 thematic measures/guidelines the most efficient, transferable and useful measures can be chosen and recommended.